An Engaging, Creative…Even Ground-Breaking Novel!
It captured my attention from the start and never once let it go!
An engaging, creative…even ground-breaking novel that captured my attention from the start and never once let it go. Each scene was riveting, imaginative, and very well described– We really experience things through the various characters’ eyes for better or worse. I liked the character, Stare, a lot, but many others also (and there are a lot of them with great names, too). There was little to no lull in the forward action, but at times the pace does slow. But I think this is just showing us more of Teressi’s spiritual side, his musings or observations, which I really liked – but sometimes I felt there was a lack of focus and wondered what the point of some scenes was.
However, even with that said, I think Teressi is an immensely gifted writer, and his prose is some of the best I have seen in some time, combined with a searching for truth to discover more about the nature of man’s psyche and soul. He has a real talent for crafting a well-thought-out story and developing complex, memorable characters who are light years from the ordinary and a profound exploration of spirituality/harmony. Definitely, an author to watch. (4stars) Cody Brighhton– Goodreads; Barnes & Noble; Indie Book Reviewers